Thursday, May 17, 2012

DING! DING! Bell Curve ~

"Bell Curve" is the popular name for Normal Distribution. It is often called the bell curve because the graph of its probability density resembles a bell. It can be used to measure anything. The standard deviation is kind of the "mean of the mean," and often can help you find the story behind the data. To understand this concept, it can help to learn about what statisticians call normal distribution of data.
A normal distribution of data means that most of the examples in a set of data are close to the "average,".

Are you attached?

Attachment Styles

Marry Ainsworth:
    - developmental psychologist
    - best known for her attachment theory

Secure Attachment: A child who is securely attached to its caregiver will explore freely while the caregiver is present, will engage with strangers, will be visibly upset when the caregiver departs, and happy to see the caregiver return.
The child will not engage with the stranger if the caregiver is not in the room.

Anxious-Ambivalent Insecure Attachment: A child with an anxious-resistant attachment style is anxious of exploration and of strangers, even when the caregiver is present. When the caregiver departs, the child is extremely distressed. The child will be ambivalent when she returns and will seek to remain close to the caregiver, but will be resentful, and also resistant when the caregiver initiates attention.
Anxious-Avoidant Insecure Attachment: A child with an anxious-avoidant attachment style will avoid or ignore the caregiver and show little emotion when the caregiver departs or returns. The child will not explore very much, regardless of who is there. Strangers will not be treated very differently from the caregiver. There is not much emotional range displayed regardless of who is in the room or if it is empty.

Pavlov's Dogs

The theory:
     Based on his observations, Pavlov suggested that the salivation was a learned response. The dogs were responding to the sight of the research assistants' white lab coats, which the animals had come to associate with the presentation of food. Unlike the salivary response to the presentation of food, which is an unconditioned reflex, salivating to the expectation of food is a conditioned reflex.


Learn how to condition people here..

Operant conditiong: a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior.

Classical conditiong: a technique used in behavioral training. A naturally occurring stimulus is paired with a response. Then, a previously neutral stimulus is paired with the naturally occurring stimulus. 

ID, EGO, SUPEREGO.. Who are you ?

Take the Quizz and find out !

ID: This aspect of personality is entirely unconscious and includes of the instinctive and primitive behaviors. According to Freud, the id is the source of all psychic energy, making it the primary component of personality.

EGO: The ego is the component of personality that is responsible for dealing with reality. According to Freud, the ego develops from the id and ensures that the impulses of the id can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real world. The ego functions in both the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious mind.

SUPEREGO: Is the component of personality composed of our internalized ideals that we have acquired from our parents and from society. The superego works to suppress the urges of the id and tries to make the ego behave morally, rather than realistically.

would you rather forget or learn? :O

The Forgetting and Learning Curve:
     The forgetting curve hypothesizes the decline of memory retention in time. A related concept is the strength of memory that refers to the durability that memory traces in the brain. The stronger the memory, the longer period of time that a person is able to recall it. A typical graph of the forgetting curve purports to show that humans tend to halve their memory of newly learned knowledge in a matter of days or weeks unless they consciously review the learned material.

Kohlberg's Moral Thinking :P

8 Stages of Deveolpment :D

Erikson's 8 Stages of Development :
1. Trust VS Mistrust: If needs are dependably met, infants develop a sense of basic trust.
2. Autonomy VS Shame and Doubt: Toddlers learn to exercise will and do things for themselves, or they doubt their abilities.
3. Initiative VS Guilt: Preschoolers learn to initlate tasks and carry out plans, or they feel guilty about efforts to be indpendent.
4. Competence VS Inferiority: Children learn the pleasure of applying themselves to tasks, or they feel inferior.
5. Identity VS Role Confusion: Teenagers work at refining a sense of self by testing roles and then integrating them to form a single identity, or the become confused about who they are.
6. Intimacy VS Isolation: Young adults stuggle to form close relationships and to gain the capacity for intimate love, or they feel socially isolated.
7. Generativity VS Stagnation: The middle age discover a sense of contributing to the world. Usually through family and work, or they feel a lack of purpose.
8. Integrity VS Despair: When relecting on his or her life, the older adult may feel a sense of satisfaction or faliure.

Whats your IQ?!

The 3 different intelligence tests:

1. Sperman:
    This test will include 3 subject test.
    The test is a statistical procedure that identifies clusters of relative information.

2. Gardner:
    The test will withhold test items on a variety scale.
    this will allow students to show their area of intelligence.

3. Sternberg:
    Test subjects will include:
    Test format will include:
          -free response
          - multiple choice
          -true or false

DSM-IV... ohhh damn !

The DSM-IV is a widely used system for classifying psychological disorders. There are 5 axes to the DSM-IV. 297 different disorders are listed in the DSM-IV.

Learn more here..

Neurotic or Psychotic disorders?! Whats the difference?

Neurotic: Neurotic disorders can be any mental imbalance that causes or results in destress. However, does not impair with normal day to day functions, but can create anxiety, stress, or symptoms of depression.

Psychotic: Phsychotic disorders are mor or a symptom that might affect a person with or with out mental disease.
Freud was the father of psychoanalysis. He established the id, ego, and superego. He published and established his theories of unconscious, the structure of how the mind works, his psychoanalytic perspectives and more !



Famous quotes from Sigmond Freud himself. Enjoy !

" America is a mistake, a giant mistake. "

" America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, i am afraid, it is not going to be a success. "

" Anatomy is destiny. "

" Dreams are often more profound when they seem the most crazy. "

" Flowers are restfull to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts. "

Find more here..


A Skinner box is a chamber that contains a bar or key that an animal can press or manipulate in order to obtain food or water as a type of reinforcement. The Skinner box also had a device that recorded each response provided by the animal as well as the unique schedule of reienforcement that the animal was assigned. The box is a chamber that includes at least one lever, bar, or key that the animal can manipulate. When the lever is pressed, food, water, or some other type of reinforcement might be dispensed. Other stimuli can also be presented including lights, sounds, and images. In some instances, the floor of the chamber may be electrified.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.. :O

What would we do with out this pyramid of human needs? This pyramid is a self-actualization for each and every person. Maslow uses the terms Physiological, Safety, Belongingness and Love, Esteem, and Self-Actualization needs to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move through.

Paul Broca - Broca Broca ~

Big fan of talking and language? Well this area of the brain is your dominant area. Broca Broca! With out this area, you wouldnt be able to comunicate with language.

Learn more here! ^

Go BoBo For Banderuas BOBO DOLL Experiment !

Get to know this behavioral Psychologist.. He had the phenomenon all along, monkey see monkey do. He proved children learn from watching.

Zembardo Prison Experiment ~

Its amazing how when people are told to play a role, they play the role to their fullest potential. These college students show the effects of role play.,r:2,s:0,i:119

This video is the perfect representation of DABDA !

Rusty the Narcoleptic dos (: so cute ! must watch